Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

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Safecor Health • Jun 01, 2018

3 Ways to Fill a Robotic Pharmacy System [infographic]

Robotic pharmacy systems are great for those hospital pharmacies looking to prevent medication errors, reduce pharmacy labor and lower medication inventory. But there’s a downside: Packaging and restocking these robots can be tricky. So how do you fill a pharmacy robotic system without it being too time-consuming? Check out our infographic for some key consideration points for three ways to fill a robotic pharmacy system:

Robotic pharmacy systems are great for those hospital pharmacies looking to prevent medication errors, reduce pharmacy labor and lower medication inventory. But there’s a downside: Packaging and restocking these robots can be tricky. So how do you fill a pharmacy robotic system without it being too time-consuming? Check out our infographic for some key consideration points for three ways to fill a robotic pharmacy system:

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