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Healthcare Supply Chain Association

Healthcare Advocacy Healthcare Information Business Ethics Healthcare Liaison

The Healthcare Supply Chain Association (HSCA) is a broad-based trade association that represents 14 group purchasing organizations, including for-profit and not-for-profit corporations, purchasing groups, associations, multi-hospital systems and healthcare provider alliances.

The mission of the Healthcare Supply Chain Association focuses on five key areas:

  • Advocacy:

We work collaboratively with all legislative and regulatory authorities to ensure fair and efficient procurement practices in an open and competitive market within the health industry.

  • Education:

We provide educational opportunities designed to improve efficiencies in the purchase, sale and utilization of all goods and services within the health industry.

  • Ethics:

We uphold the ethical conduct of business practices within the industry and the standards adopted by the Healthcare Group Purchasing Industry Initiative that are intended to strengthen the integrity of the health care supply chain.

  • Information:

We enhance the awareness of our members' efforts to support the delivery of high-quality, cost effective health care.

  • Liaison:

We promote meaningful dialogue between health industry organizations engaged in group purchasing and other industry entities on issues of mutual interest.

HSCA’s Vision: Preparing for the Future
As one of the nation's leading health care trade associations, HSCA strives to have a long-term, positive impact. All of our efforts are focused on realizing our vision for tomorrow. We envision a world in which:

  • An open forum exists for the exchange and promotion of best practices in the non-labor cost side of health care and for the exploration of complex issues in health care cost control.
  • Cost-efficient, high-quality health care is more widely available.
  • Innovative approaches flourish, and standards of practice and excellence are maintained, in the health care products market.
  • Free market dynamics for health care products are maintained.
  • Beneficial and legally allowable cooperation is not disrupted by the proprietary interests of industry competitors.

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