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National Pharmacy Purchasing Association NPPA

2012 Conference

First Association for Pharmacy Buyers is Founded!

In January 2010, the first association specific to Pharmacy Buyers, the National Pharmacy Purchasing Association (NPPA), was founded by Summerdale Enterprises, Inc., the publisher of Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook and conductor of Annual Pharmacy Purchasing Networking Conferences (from hereon to be known as the NPPA Conference).

NPPA was created for Pharmacy Buyers in response to the need of such an organization expressed by the subscribership of Pharmacy Purchasing Outlook, and the attendees at their Annual Conferences.

The mission of NPPA is to:

  • Promote the Profession of Pharmacy Purchasing.
  • Provide Specific and Enhanced Educational Opportunities for the Pharmacy Buyer.
  • Provide a Unified Voice for the Professional Pharmacy Buyer.
  • Affirm Pharmacy Purchasing as a unique and important specialty within the Pharmacy Profession
  • Affirm that Pharmacy Purchasing is an important aspect of Total Patient Care.

Members of the Association will consist of Institutional Pharmacy Buyers, regardless of their local job title, and those who support the goals of the Association.

NPPA Conference - August 19-22, 2013

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