Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers


RxASP 1000

Fully Automated, Robotic Strip Packaging, Scalable for any Size Pharmacy or Volume

Experience the unparalleled, robotic automation technology of the RxASP 1000™. No more trays or remote filling stations. No more down time to load trays. Plus, no more errors from hand filling trays—the RxASP 1000 can hold up to 1000 RFID canisters*, while our universal canisters dispense virtually all non-loaded oral solid medications such as gel caps, half tabs, etc. Optional integrated machine vision inspection means higher accuracy and less cost.

Restocking occurs while the machine is fully functioning, so there’s no down time. Even cleaning is far less time consuming. More things get done in less time, greatly enhancing pharmacy efficiency.

The RxASP family of machines has the lowest daily operating costs in the industry—we use automatic, variable packet length and our consumable pouch material costs are notably the least expensive.

*More RFID canisters can be stored nearby to be swapped in and out. RxSafe does not recommend the purchase of “spare” packaging units—further space and cost savings.

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