Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers


Cayan is a payment technology company focused on transformative innovations in payments, offering countertop, e-commerce, and mobile payment solutions. We offer pharmacies a better payments experience, simplifying life with FSA:

  • Integrated with the industry's leading POS providers in retail pharmacy.
  • Accept all payment types. Including FSA/HSA flex cards, partial FSA pay, EMV/chip cards and mobile payments.
  • Easy FSA claims for pharmacy customers. Paid Genius with an IIAS certified POS system and customers won't need to retain their receipts.
  • Allows FSA partial authorizations. Cut down on declines and boost customer satisfaction when you allow customers to use a card balance less than the transaction amount.

Genius greatly reduces PCI scope for pharmacies, improving security and boosting efficiency:

  • Reduce cost with digital signature capture. Capture signatures for any purpose; HIPPA, RX regulatory requirements, prescriptions, and more.
  • Take payments everywhere. Mobile solution Genius Handheld supports use cases like drive-thru pharmacies, meds to beds, and prescription delivery.
  • Keep your data more secure. Cayan offers P2PE 2.0-certified and validated Genius devices.
  • Seamless customizable agreements. The Genius platform can easily support customizable agreements on the same customer-facing screen used for payments.
Put the Genius of Cayan to work for your business.
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