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Best in KLAS Cabinets Enable Best Practice Medication Management

With patient satisfaction and safety being tied to reimbursement, it’s more important than ever to improve nursing workflow across the health care enterprise, including long-term care settings.

Omnicell® automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs) allow you to improve how medications are managed.
Known for their reliability and ease of use, Omnicell ADCs have received the highest KLAS ranking for 9 consecutive years, earning Best in KLAS 2010-2014 (1).

Address Joint Commission requirements regarding unlabeled medications with our Medication Label Printer integrated within the ADC. Nurses can automatically print patient-specific labels with bar codes as medications are issued from the cabinet.

Virtually eliminate tedious narcotic countbacks and discrepancy resolution that takes time away from nursing and pharmacy with the OmniDispenser™ single dose dispensing module.

Reduce long lines at the ADC—and reduce time spent removing medications by 33%—with Anywhere RN™ remote medication management software, which also helps prevent interruptions that lead to medication errors.

Reduce the number of places nurses need to hunt for medications with SinglePointe™ patient medication management software. This system enhances cartless distribution—decreasing missing doses, medication errors, and restock time.

Cabinet Features

  • Touch & Go™ biometric ID system enables access to the ADC via fingerprint scan only, adding convenience and security.
  • Guiding lights quickly direct users to desired location in the cabinet.
  • Medications and supplies can be combined in a single cabinet, saving space and time.
  • Omnicell drawers and bins are made with metal, assuring greater reliability and security.
  • Interoperability between the Omnicell ADC and electronic health record (EHR) saves clinicians steps in medication workflow.

Anesthesia Workstation™
The Anesthesia Workstation gives anesthesia providers instant access to medications while ensuring pharmacy of tighter control in the operating room.

  • Securely stores all the medications and supplies needed for a full day of cases
  • Automatically tracks inventory used, cutting hours of manual documentation.
  • Integrated on same platform as ADCs used in nursing stations.

(1) Best in KLAS Awards – Medical Equipment & Infrastructure Reports, 2006-2014
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