PipelineRx delivers cognitive medication management services focused on clinical telepharmacy to acute care hospitals. With an over 90% acceptance rate of its clinical recommendations by hospital care providers, clients can be sure that medication safety, patient safety and client satisfaction are PipelineRx’s primary focus.
PipelineRx telepharmacy services help hospitals improve medication and patient safety by augmenting and extending the available in-house hospital pharmacy staff. Using a dedicated team of experienced and hospital-trained clinical telepharmacist, PipelineRx reviews all medication orders for all patients regardless of the patient history or medication complexity. By providing medication order review, drug verification, and on-demand telepharmacy, PipelineRx enables hospitals to achieve cost-effective and high quality round-the-clock pharmacy coverage by supplementing their staff during peak hours, holidays, vacations and emergencies during day, night, and weekend shifts.
PipelineRx is licensed by State Boards of Pharmacy, supported by the Joint Commission and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP). By leveraging PipelineRx’s clinical telepharmacy services helps its hospital clients conform with the Joint Commission National Standards (MM.8.10 and MM.4.10), and support the ISMP by reducing the occurrence of medication errors.
PipelineRx is unique in creating a cognitive clinical service based on quality, trust and value via the following benefits:
PipelineRx’s clinical telepharmacy services are presently enabling acute care hospitals to improve and streamline pharmacy operations across all shifts. Schedule an in-depth consultation today to learn how PipelineRx can benefit your organization.
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