Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers

Informa Connect

Evaluate Key Areas of Compliance for Inspection Readiness, Navigate Regulatory Complexities and Discover Innovative Technologies and Solutions

Industry’s leading event for compounding professionals, Compounding Pharmacy Compliance shows an in-depth look into key areas for compliance and proven strategies to strengthen compounding systems to ensure inspection readiness. As the regulatory landscape evolves, navigate updated quality standards and evaluate innovative solutions with the top regulators and industry minds. This conference provides insights into best practices for processes, protocols and facility improvements, sterility and stability testing and data analysis through informative presentations, panel discussions, case studies and breakout discussions. A must-attend for all compounding professionals.

Discuss Critical Topics Affecting the Ever-Evolving Drug Compounding Landscape:

  • Panel Discussion: USP Revisions – Updates and Impacts of 795, 797 and 800
  • What to Expect When You are Inspected
  • State Boards Perspectives on Compounding Regulations
  • FDA Current Landscape – Priorities and Policies for Drug Compounding
  • Analysis of Varying Types of Management Systems

PLUS! Customize Your Learning Specific to Your Needs with Tracked Programming (Choose from A or B, and C or D):

A. Intermediate Level

  1. a. Strategies to Optimize Facility Design and Engineering
  2. b. Product Compliance – Lab Testing and Quality Assurance
  3. c. Best Practices and Safety Tips for Drug Compounding
  4. d. Implementing a Rapid Sterility Method in a Compounding Pharmacy Laboratory

B. Senior Level

  1. a. Hazardous Drug Handling and Risk Assessment
  2. b. Viable Sampling Ready
  3. c. Achieving Category 3 beyond-Use Dating
  4. d. Aseptic Compounding and Processing – Short and Long-Term Approaches

C. 503A Track

  1. a. Key Vendor Qualifications when Contracting with 503Bs
  2. b. Viable Sampling Ready
  3. c. Achieving Category 3 beyond-Use Dating
  4. d. Aseptic Compounding and Processing – Short and Long-Term Approaches

D. 503B Track

  1. a. The Definition of Insanity – 503B Pitfalls that Just Keep Happening and How to Break the Cycle
  2. b. Regulatory Implementations Surrounding 503B Compounding

E. And more!

For more details and to register you and your team, visit

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