Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers


Supporting the Mission of 340B

Our work reflects a tireless commitment to breaking down barriers and improving healthcare equity. We help Covered Entities leverage benefits of the 340B program to fund crucial programming and deliver exceptional care by fully managing your 340B program; providing access to physician specialty care via telehealth; offering in-house pharmacy(s) implementation & management; bringing 340B administrative and program optimization services; and developing an ever-expanding array of additional services designed to ensure success. Through innovation and adoption of the latest technology - we are committed to serving our clients by meeting their needs right where they are.

340B Program Management

340B experts with over 30 years of industry experience, working on your behalf to develop, implement, and ensure ongoing maintenance of an exceptional program.

Specialty Care Services

Specialty physician care for underserved and remote patients, utilizing cutting-edge technology and an integrated delivery model.

In-House Pharmacy Solutions

Driving affordability and access to crucial drugs, leading to adherence, satisfaction, and clinical quality improvement, all while capturing more claims and driving revenue.

340B Administrative Services

Next-generation technology, with unmatched service to help maximize your resources and to empower you to do even more to help your patients lead a long and healthy life.

340B Program Audit

Assess program performance, identify gaps, ensure ongoing HRSA audit readiness and alleviate any 340B program concerns that are keeping you up at night.

340B Aggregator

Does your organization partner with multiple contract pharmacies and use several different 340B TPAs? Don’t worry – you are not alone!

Helping Build Healthier Communities

Empowering world-class care

In partnership with Federally Qualified Health Centers, community hospitals, specialty clinics, and other safety-net 340B providers across the US

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