Virtual Pharmacy Trade Show

Pharmacy's Leading Product & Service Providers

Parasol Medical

Parasol Medical Cultivate USP 800 MicrobeCare

Improved Quality Control

Parasol Medical™

As a premier developer of innovative medical devices, our greatest priority is making the lives of healthcare professionals easier while improving patient outcomes. Amongst the many divisions we excel in, Parasol specializes in a portfolio of products which includes competency testing, bonded antimicrobials, daily disinfectants, and lint-free wipes for the cleanroom pharmacy space.

Pharmacy Brands

Quality assurance products – packaged in a lint-free thermo-form container and built to comply with USP <797> and <800> requirements. Cultivate products are designed for air particle monitoring, surface testing, personal aseptic technique testing, needleless dispensing, safe handling of hazardous drugs and more.

  • Contact™ Microbial contamination monitoring system for surface testing and gloved fingertip testing.
  • PASS Personal Aseptic Sampling System™ Pre-assembled aseptic technique test kits for a variety of manipulations
  • TTMicro™ System Full filtration system for testing small volume
  • HazardTest™ System Validate the technique of compounding pharmacists who manipulate hazardous drugs.
  • Clear Check™ à la carte growth media to customize with any QA program

A patented, EPA-registered antimicrobial treatment clinically validated to help reduce the spread of infection and cross-communication of dangerous microorganisms on surfaces. MicrobeCare’s™ fast mode of action effectively destroys organisms from the treated surface without dissipation.

Pharmacy Options:

  • 2oz can
  • 4oz can
  • 6oz can
  • 1-gallon pail
  • Spray/Flairosol bottle
  • Wipes
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